TALENTO’s obligation and services

Talk to TALENTO about your idea. Our services are cost free up to the prototype phase when we create a whole new product to meet your goals.

Quite simply we offer our services free if we cannot come up with the product that meets your needs. That’s right. If you are not happy and do not want to continue to the prototype phase – there is no cost to you. We make no financial return on the time and effort we put into helping you develop your ideas.

This is how it works. There are five initial phases.

Product initiation phase

During product initiation, we talk about your ideas, requirements, specifications, and the relevant Australian and international standards. We also talk about your vision for the product and the functionality required for you and your end users.

Discussion phase

Once we understand your ideas and requirements, we will complete a product feasibility study which tells us if it is feasible or not to make the product, and how to achieve your outcomes.

During the process, we work with the manufacturer’s engineering team. As we discuss things further, we may need to make changes or modifications to the original requirements to achieve success.

We engage with you and engineering experts to discuss product concepts.

Blueprint phase

The blueprint phase is where we finalise the product concept and create blueprints for the design phase. These will include specifications for end user functionality, quality requirements, and conformity to Australian and international standards.

Design phase

The design phase is where your idea really starts to come alive. TALENTO works with the engineering team to come up with engineering design drawings ready to create a prototype. This is the first time you can see your idea really come life.

You receive copies of the engineering drawings for review and to give feedback. These are modified accordingly until you are happy to sign off to have the production process costed.

Costing phase

Now you are happy with the final concept and designs, it is time to find out how much it costs to get your idea to market if you want to continue. TALENTO works with manufacturers to determine development, tooling and production costs.

We provide a full written quote outlining the cost details for manufacturing and shipping to your door. This will also include our trading terms and payment timelines. After all, we have to pay the manufacturer on your behalf each step of the way.

We do all this for free.

Are you ready to take you innovative idea to market? Remember, your success is our success.26

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